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Supervisory Board
He graduated from the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Warsaw University and completed postgraduate studies in the Warsaw School of Economics, Faculty of Business Valuation. His professional career was connected with the capital market within which he is an active investor both in private and regulated trading. He served as a member of the management board or a member of the supervisory board in many companies.
Dr. Kunsch has more than 30 years of experience in biopharmaceutical R&D, business development and life science venture capital investing. He obtained his Ph.D. in Immunology from The Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine and completed his post-doctoral fellowship at the Roche Institute of Molecular Biology where he studied retroviral gene regulation. After his post-doctoral fellowship, Chuck spent 4 years as a Project Leader at Human Genome Sciences and then joined AtheroGenics, Inc, as Vice President of Biology leading teams to advance several programs into the clinic for cardiovascular disease and chronic inflammatory diseases. Dr. Kunsch spent nearly 15 years at Abbott/AbbVie most recently as Managing Director at AbbVie Ventures where he served on the Boards of more than a dozen early-stage companies. Dr. Kunsch serves as the Vice Chair on the Board of Trustees for the Massachusetts Biomedical Initiative and on the Board of Trustees for the Pennsylvania State University Research Foundation.
Krzysztof Samotij graduated from the Faculty of Basic Technical Problems of the Technical University of Wrocław and the State University of New York at Albany. In 1981 he was awarded a PhD degree in mathematics (analysis and probability theory) and started working at of the Technical University of Wrocław. He also lectured at the State University of New York at Albany and the University of Delaware. Krzysztof is the author of numerous academic works in the area of mathematics (functional and complex analysis). In 1996 he obtained investment advisor license no. 87. From July 1997 he was employed in WBK AIB Asset Management S.A., as an investment advisor, bond market manager. Since February 1998 he took the position of the President of the Management Board of WBK AIB Towarzystwo Funduszy Powierniczych S.A. From April 2001 he served as the Research and Development Director in WBK AIB Towarzystwo Funduszy Inwestycyjnych S.A. and investment advisor in WBK AIB Asset Management S.A. Between May 2002 and January 2011 he was the President of the Management Board of BZ WBK AIB Towarzystwo Funduszy Inwestycyjnych S.A. (presently: Santander TFI S.A.). At the end of this period it was the second (in terms of value of managed assets) company managing investment funds in Poland. Since 2011 he is self-employed as a sole trader. Krzysztof Samotij meets the independence criteria referred to in Article 129 sec. 3 of the Act on Certified Accountants, Audit Firms and Public Supervision and in the Good Practices of Companies Listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange.
Maciej Wróblewski is a lawyer and specializes in corporate law, with a particular focus on mergers and acquisitions and capital markets advisory. He graduated from the Warsaw University and the Warsaw School of Economics. During his professional career he advised in public and private M&A transactions, in IPOs and secondary public offerings of public companies’ shares. Maciej Wróblewski is presently a partner in MJH Moskwa, Jarmul, Haładyj i Partnerzy – Adwokaci i Radcowie Prawni sp.p. Previously he was associated with Deloitte Legal Pasternak Korba Moskwa Jarmul i Wspólnicy Kancelaria Prawnicza sp. k. and Weil, Gotshal & Manges – Paweł Rymarz sp.k.
Pan Robert Florczykowski jest współzałożycielem i zarządzającym funduszu inwestycyjnego Third Dot w ramach Opoka TFI S.A. Wcześniej zarządzał globalnymi funduszami inwestującymi w spółki technologiczne oraz w spółki z sektora ochrony zdrowia w towarzystwie funduszy PKO TFI S.A. Pan Robert Florczykowski jest absolwentem kierunków „Metody Ilościowe w Ekonomii i Systemy Informacyjne” w Szkole Głównej Handlowej w Warszawie oraz „Matematyka” na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim. Ukończył również studia podyplomowe na kierunkach „Biologia Molekularna” na Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim oraz „Postgraduate Studies in Accounting and Finance” w Szkole Biznesu Politechniki Warszawskiej, organizowane we współpracy z instytutem ACCA. Pozostałe informacje o wykształceniu, kwalifikacjach i przebiegu pracy zawodowej pana Roberta Florczykowskiego zostały przedstawione w załączniku do niniejszego raportu. Zgodnie z oświadczeniem pan Robert Florczykowski nie figuruje w Rejestrze Dłużników Niewypłacalnych, prowadzonym na podstawie ustawy o KRS. Pan Robert Florczykowski nie wykonuje działalności konkurencyjnej w stosunku do działalności wykonywanej w przedsiębiorstwie Spółki oraz nie jest wspólnikiem w konkurencyjnych spółkach cywilnych lub spółkach osobowych, ani członkiem organów spółek kapitałowych, czy też członkiem organów jakichkolwiek innych konkurencyjnych osób prawnych.