Investor Relations Captor Therapeutics ®


  Shareholder Total number of shares Total number of votes Percentage of share capital Percentage of total votes at the GSM
1. Michał Walczak 930 128 1 471 145 19,90% 25,28%
2. Paweł Holstinghausen-Holsten        
  directly 360 075 720 150 7,71% 12,37%
  indirectly via the Holstinghausen-Holsten Family Foundation 236 112 236 1112 5,05% 4,06%
  total 596 187 956 262 12,76% 16,43%
3. Sylvain Cottens 340 897 526 730 7,29% 9,05%
4. TFI Allianz Polska S.A. 343 483 343 483 7,35% 5,90%
5. Funds managed by Nationale-Nederlanden Powszechne Towarzystwo Emerytalne S.A. 303 075 303 075 6,49% 5,21%
6. Others 2 159 334 2 219 802 46,21% 38,14%
Total   4 673 104 5 820 497 100,00% 100,00%